



I'll be honest—I fly a lot. And I've been keeping track of every flight I've taken since 2019 to calculate the impact my air travel has on the environment. For every flight I take, I buy carbon credits in hopes to offset the damage.

My future travel goals include less flying and more environmentally friendly forms of transporation.

Carbon Emissions via flying — 2019

NYC to Rome (roundtrip) — 1.32 tonnes
NYC to Mexico City (roundtrip) — 0.78 tonnes
NYC to Seattle (one way) — 0.39 tonnes
Seattle to Tokyo (one way) — 0.94 tonnes
Osaka to Okinawa (one way) — 0.15 tonnes
Okinawa to Hong Kong (one way) — 0.15 tonnes
Hong Kong to NYC (one way) — 1.06 tonnes
NYC to Oslo (one way) — 0.66 tonnes
Oslo to Iceland (roundtrip) — 0.31 tonnes
Oslo to Marrakech (one way) — 0.39 tonnes
Fez to Seville (one way) — 0.15 tonnes
Seville to Olso (one way) — 0.39 tonnes
Oslo to Copenhagen (roundtrip) — 0.31 tonnes
Oslo to Seattle (one way) — 1.06 tonnes
Seattle to Hawaii (roundtrip) — 0.78 tonnes
Seattle to Oslo (one way) — 1.06 tonnes
Oslo to Amsterdam (roundtrip) — 0.31 tonnes
Oslo to Naples (roundtrip) — 0.78 tonnes
Oslo to Vienna (roundtrip) — 0.78 tonnes
Oslo to Seattle (one way) — 1.06 tonnes
Seattle to Los Angeles (one way) — 0.15 tonnes
Los Angeles to London (one way) — 0.94 tonnes
London to Oslo (one way) — 0.15 tonnes

Carbon Emissions via flying — 2020

Oslo to Tromsø (roundtrip) — 0.31 tonnes
Oslo to Svalbard (roundtrip) — 0.56 tonnes
Bodø to Oslo (one way) — 0.11 tonnes
Oslo to Ålesund (roundtrip) — 0.10 tonnes

Total impact and carbon credits bought:

16.99 tonnes = $142.29

Total impact and carbon credits bought:

16.99 tonnes = $142.29

Please get in touch with any tips, advice or insight on other or better ways to offset my air travel.

Please get in touch with any tips, advice or insight on other or better ways to offset my air travel.